Top stories

Innovation Builds Deep Water Technology Waves

UK regulator committed to supporting further innovation in DB market


TPR is due to publish its approach to profit release mechanism in superfunds and new DB alternative arrangements guidance this year. 

Giovanni Maggi at Assofondipensione

Italian schemes explore investment opportunities with European Investment Fund


Pension funds Arco, Concreto, Fondo Pensione Byblos and Fon.Te plan to boost investments in Europe

Elo HQ in Espoo Finland

​Finland’s Elo cites hedge funds, listed equities as Q1 drivers


Pensions insurer makes 6.5% return on hedge funds as weighting increases in portfolio

German flag

German Pensionskassen association slams first pillar equity fund plan


VFPK is ‘extremely skeptical’ about the role assigned to the state as an equity investor through the fund

Comparing Risk and Performance for Absolute and Relative ESG Scores

Nature Action 100 unveils benchmark indicators for assessing corporates


Companies will be assessed on the quality of their disclosures and actions


IASB to consult on accounting for climate-commitments


The board agreed to issue the proposed guidance, which is subject to drafting changes, on a 120-day comment period

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